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Install Umami to Monitor your Website Traffic

Umami is a simple, easy to use, self-hosted web analytics solution. The goal is to provide you with a friendlier, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics and a free, open-sourced alternative to paid solutions. Umami collects only the metrics you care about and everything fits on a single page. You can view a live demo here or read more about Umami here.

Install Filebrowser (if you want to cheat and not use CLI)

version: "2.1"
    image: hurlenko/filebrowser:latest
    container_name: filebrowser
      - FB_BASEURL=/f
      - /:/data
      - /docker/filebrowser:/config
      - 8081:8080
    restart: unless-stopped
Create the schema.postgresql.sql file and place it in /docker/umami

Paste the following into the schema.postgresql.sql file.

drop table if exists event;
drop table if exists pageview;
drop table if exists session;
drop table if exists website;
drop table if exists account;

create table account (
    user_id serial primary key,
    username varchar(255) unique not null,
    password varchar(60) not null,
    is_admin bool not null default false,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
    updated_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp

create table website (
    website_id serial primary key,
    website_uuid uuid unique not null,
    user_id int not null references account(user_id) on delete cascade,
    name varchar(100) not null,
    domain varchar(500),
    share_id varchar(64) unique,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp

create table session (
    session_id serial primary key,
    session_uuid uuid unique not null,
    website_id int not null references website(website_id) on delete cascade,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
    hostname varchar(100),
    browser varchar(20),
    os varchar(20),
    device varchar(20),
    screen varchar(11),
    language varchar(35),
    country char(2)

create table pageview (
    view_id serial primary key,
    website_id int not null references website(website_id) on delete cascade,
    session_id int not null references session(session_id) on delete cascade,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
    url varchar(500) not null,
    referrer varchar(500)

create table event (
    event_id serial primary key,
    website_id int not null references website(website_id) on delete cascade,
    session_id int not null references session(session_id) on delete cascade,
    created_at timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp,
    url varchar(500) not null,
    event_type varchar(50) not null,
    event_value varchar(50) not null

create index website_user_id_idx on website(user_id);

create index session_created_at_idx on session(created_at);
create index session_website_id_idx on session(website_id);

create index pageview_created_at_idx on pageview(created_at);
create index pageview_website_id_idx on pageview(website_id);
create index pageview_session_id_idx on pageview(session_id);
create index pageview_website_id_created_at_idx on pageview(website_id, created_at);
create index pageview_website_id_session_id_created_at_idx on pageview(website_id, session_id, created_at);

create index event_created_at_idx on event(created_at);
create index event_website_id_idx on event(website_id);
create index event_session_id_idx on event(session_id);

insert into account (username, password, is_admin) values ('admin', '$2b$10$BUli0c.muyCW1ErNJc3jL.vFRFtFJWrT8/GcR4A.sUdCznaXiqFXa', true);
Run the docker stack and install
version: '3'
      - "3000:3000"
      DATABASE_URL: postgresql://umami:umami@db:5432/umami
      DATABASE_TYPE: postgresql
      HASH_SALT: H6ei6O1tdLNxIQLRs4Mw
      - db
    restart: always
    image: postgres:12-alpine
      POSTGRES_DB: umami
      POSTGRES_USER: umami
      - /docker/umami/schema.postgresql.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/schema.postgresql.sql:ro
      - /docker/umami/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: always
Connect to the web UI

Go to and log in using admin as the username and umami as the password.

Video tutorial and demonstration coming soon!